Indiana University

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New to technology at IU?
Setting up your email account, plus an overview of IU's technology and printing services.

Major online systems at IU

  • onestart (
    Access to your confidential student information, including your class schedule, transcript, and bursar statement. It's also a way to access pretty much everything computer-related on campus.. your email, events, a personal calendar and classified ads from across IU.

  • Umail and Imail ( or
    Online student email. If you need assistance, contact the UITS Support Center. Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!

    Phone: 812.855.6789 or 317.274.4357
    Chat: (live chat assistance)

  • Oncourse (
    Use your webmail user id and password to login. Each class you register will have an oncourse component online. Not all professors will use this too, but those that do upload course information, assignments and grades. It’s also a way to keep in contact with your professors and fellow classmates.

  • Electronic Reserves (
    Classes will sometimes have reading materials placed on reserve and sometimes those materials will be electronic. If so, you find them here on e-reserves.

  • UITS Computer Classes
    Classes and online help to familiarize yourself with Microsoft programs, web development and operating systems. Free or low cost. In particular, check out the STEPS workshops.

  • UITS Technology Services and Support
    Among other resources, go here to download IU software, make educational computer and software purchases or find out about IU’s technology policies.

Printing for Graduate Students

Graduate and Professional Students are allocated 1000 pages of printing a semester, to be used in the Student Technology Centers (STC) and printing areas designed by University Information Technology Services (UITS). Some departments have their own printing area for graduate students, and the UITS allotment does not apply in these areas. Students may rollover up to 300 pages of their remaining allotment from the Fall to the Spring and the Spring to the Summer of each academic year. You may not rollover allotment from the Summer to the Fall. You may rollover any remaining alottment and/or check your printing allotment here.

  • AI Allotment
    Each semester, Associate Instructors are alloted an additional 500 pages to cover the printing demands associated with instructing or assisting in courses. Occasionally, AIs are not given their full allotment. If you need to be provided an AI or Dissertation Allotment or to apply for the Special Research Needs Allotment, please send an email to

  • Dissertation Allotment
    Graduate students working on their dissertation may apply for an additional 500 pages a semester to cover the increased printing demands associated with research for their dissertation. This allotment must be requested by your dissertation advisor on one of your committee members.

  • Special Research Needs Allotment
    In the spring of 2010, graduate students may apply for an additional 500 pages a year to cover the demands associated with a research project, which is not being supported by funds from their faculty advisor or their department. To qualify for this additional allotment, students need to submit a statement from their faculty advisor testifying to the additional printing needs.

  • IU Graduate and Professional Student Organization  |   Contacts and Map
    The GradHouse, 803 East Eighth St, Bloomington, IN 47408  |   (812) 855-8747  |