Indiana University

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Renting in Bloomington

Bloomington can feel like a landlord's town, but a lot of nice living options are available. Start looking early and keep the following information in mind; we know you'll find a great place to live.

GPSO Housing Bulletin Board

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Disclaimer: This information is provided as a service to the community by the IU-Bloomington Graduate Student Organization. The GPSO assumes no liability for the contents of any ad, or the replies to any ad; all such liability rests with the advertiser and/or the respondent.

IU Sponsored and Campus Housing

  • IU Real Estate
    Rents some houses and apartments designated for only IU graduate students, staff and faculty. These tend to be in better shape than their properties for undergrads and closer to campus than many other realtors. Also, renting from IU means your rent is charged to your bursar bill each month (which you can pay online) and IU maintenance is only a phone call away.

  • On-campus Apartments - IU Residential Programs and Services
    You may also want to live on-campus in an IU-owned apartment. These aren't the nicest or largest places to live, but they're reliable, close to campus and fairly affordable. For details on apartments, as opposed to residence halls, look for a link to their "Apartment Housing Guide."

  • Vice Provost for Faculty and Academic Affairs Housing Board
    Assists academic appointees with temporary housing needs, especially visitors, new appointees, and those taking leaves of absence.

More Housing Resources

Renter's Insurance

Are you prepared to replace your entire wardrobe in case a fire damages your apartment? What about your furniture and appliances? Renter's insurance is VERY affordable (less or around about $100 a year), and well worth the low cost for those of us who cannot afford to replace our belongings in case of a fire or robbery. Call any local insurance company for more information and price quotes.

IU Graduate and Professional Student Organization  |   Contacts and Map
The GradHouse, 803 East Eighth St, Bloomington, IN 47408  |   (812) 855-8747  |