Indiana University

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GPSO Executive Committee Partnership Grant

The GPSO, recognizing the valuable collaborative efforts of student organizations to work between school boundaries, seeks to promote these efforts with operational funding support for various events, be they fundraisers, social events, or conferences. In this effort, we have to define what these funds may NOT be used for.

These funds may not be used for:

  1. Supplementing other GPSO conference, individual, or other grants;
  2. Direct donation of funds;
  3. Up-front costs for items to be sold for commercial profit;
  4. Stipends or other personal benefits of students;
  5. Other purposes deemed unfitting by the GPSO Executive Committee, who retains the right to accept or deny any and every proposal at their discretion.

These funds can be used for:

  1. Operational costs, such as renting venues or decorations;
  2. Costs associated with bringing in outside speakers or dignitaries;
  3. Other purposes deemed fitting by the GPSO Executive Committee, who retains the right to accept or deny any and every proposal at their discretion.

Maximum request amount: $200

These funds will only be distributed to organizations that have a Student Organizational Account (SOA) or a Departmental Sponsored Account, and the GPSO is not responsible for any transactions or reimbursements past the initial phase of distributing funds to the named recipient in the proposal.

To apply for a GPSO Executive Committee Partnership Grant, please fill out the form here.

IU Graduate and Professional Student Organization  |   Contacts and Map
The GradHouse, 803 East Eighth St, Bloomington, IN 47408  |   (812) 855-8747  |