Yash Kachhara – School of Public and Environmental Affairs

Yash Kachhara

School of Public and Environmental Affairs



Hello Hoosiers,

I am Yash Kachhara, a first year MPA-MSES student at School of Public and Environmental Affairs, which is the Department I represent on the GPSG. I am also doing the Social Entrepreneurship Certificate being offered at the Kelley School of Business. Prior to this, I received a Bachelors of Technology in Civil Engineering from Sardar Patel College of Engineering, Mumbai, India. Currently, I am heading the Marketing Committee of the Wider World Conference, an annual presentation conference held at SPEA. I am a proactive member during the GPSG Assembly discussions, besides being a part of the GPSG Diversity committee. There are certain out of control things, then there are things that seem to be out of control. Being on the GPSG, I can positively impact the latter category of issues, while practically having my voice heard. I look to continue advocating for graduate issues and fulfilling my duties as a SPEA representative.

-Yash Kachhara